Friday, May 15, 2020
The Islamic Civilization And Islam - 1658 Words
One cannot have an adequate and well-versed discussion about Islamic civilization without first defining two key terms: Civilization and Islam. Associate Professor at Washington University in St. Louis, Ahmet Karamustafa, defines civilizations as, â€Å"nothing more than a particular, even unique combination of ideas and practice that groups of human actors – who are the real agents of human history – affirm as their own and use to define and develop their own sense of presence and agency in the world†(Karamustafa 103). Thus, guided by this definition, we have an understanding of Islamic Civilization as a religious movement guided by the mandates of God. Of course, anywhere where there is human organization and interaction, there will be politics involved. Although there were some political aspects in the community of the Believers under the leadership of the prophet, at the core of this movement was the belief in his prophetic authority. I will argue t hat Islam, despite all the political implications it has had throughout history, is ultimately rooted in religious belief, submission to God, and living a pious life in accordance with God’s commands for achieving eternal salvation. Furthermore, In the course of this paper, I will give a brief introduction of Islamic civilization broken up into four parts that are integral to understanding Islamic civilization: Politics and religion in the early community of the believers, governance after the death of the prophet,Show MoreRelatedIslam : The Islamic Civilizations1128 Words  | 5 PagesThere are a lot of very interesting comparative and contrasts you can deduct from ancient Hebrews V.s. the Islamic civilizations. In both cultures we see a submission to some form of God. Both cultures were at one point polytheistic. They both have very unique history to them. I find Islamic culture to be very different in many ways however from Hebrews. 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